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Terms & Conditions

1. Introduction

Welcome to GritnCode. These Terms and Conditions govern the use of our personal training sessions and Group Sessions in the Facility or At Home. By booking and participating in our sessions, you agree to comply with these terms.


2. Definitions

Company: GritnCode

Client: The individual booking and participating in personal training sessions

Trainer: The certified personal trainer conducting the sessions

Session: A personal training session booked through the Technogym app.


3. Booking and Payment​


3.1 General Terms


  • All sessions must be booked through the Technogym app.

  • Payments are processed online via a provided link, either by subscription or one-time payment.

  • Clients can book single sessions or more sessions per week.

  • The “Monthly Recurring Payment” or “Recurring Payment” means the GritnCode monthly package fee corresponding to the purchased package option (e.g. Group class 8 week plan, Personal training 8 week plan), and determined by the package type and package term at the point of joining.

  • The monthly package fee or Monthly Recurring Payment is due each month in full, upfront, in advance and with the exception of cancellations under the terms detailed below, no partial refund of the monthly package fee will be made unless you are canceling under cooling-off regulations detailed below.

  • A “Membership Fee” will be charged upon becoming a 6 month or 1 year member. The Membership Fee is a one-off payment at the point of becoming a member and is applied to cover the initial administration costs associated with setting up a new package and recurring payment agreement and entitles you to a free gym induction session, with some other benefits that GritnCode Management may in its sole discretion choose and communicate it to you such as but not limited to membership freezing.

  • A 6 Months “Membership Fee” may freeze his membership for up to 30 days.

  • A 12 Months “Membership Fee” may freeze his membership for up to 60 days.

  • During certain special offer periods (e.g. pre-opening) the GritnCode management may in its sole discretion choose to remove or reduce the Membership Fee.

  • The Membership Fee (if one is payable/applicable at the time of you joining) and first Monthly Recurring Payment are collected from you by us either by Debit or Credit card at time of purchase at the same time as you become a member. Please see our Privacy Policy about our treatment of such information.

  • Your second Monthly Recurring Payment will be collected one month after you joined unless you joined prior to your gym opening in which case it will be collected one month after the gym has opened. Subsequent MonthlyRecurring Payments for monthly package fees will be collected monthly thereafter.

  • If any Monthly Recurring Payment is returned unpaid or any cheque is returned unpaid or if any other form of payment is not honored for whatever reason, you shall pay us on demand an administration fee of AED 200. If, despite us having notified you of a missed payment, further payments are missed, we reserve the right to, at our sole election, either suspend or terminate your package. If you are ever over 30 days in arrears on a missed monthly package payment, then we reserve the right to bill you immediately after the 30 day grace period for the remaining contract value without any prior notification.

  • You are obligated to make the minimum number of Monthly Recurring Payments stated in your choice of package. You are obligated to make every Recurring Payment regardless of non-attendance, except where the cancellation terms below are met.

  • The date of your Monthly recurring Payment is likely to be the same date on each month as the first Monthly Recurring Payment. You are unable to amend the date of your Recurring Payment but we reserve the right to amend the date of your Monthly Recurring Payment at our sole discretion.

  • Once you have completed the minimum number of Monthly Recurring Payments as stated in your package choice we will automatically continue collecting Monthly Recurring Payments every month. Your package will be extended by one month for each payment (“Renewal Period”).

  • If you have fulfilled your commitment to the package you have joined, you may cancel your package at any time by submitting a cancellation request through the contact GritnCode page. Any cancellation that is not submitted through the page, will not be valid and therefore not actioned. (A minimum of 30 days notice is required).

  • You agree to advise us immediately of any change to the Members Details provided.

  • You agree to retain a copy of all transaction records and you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of this account.

  • From time to time we may need to increase the price of your package. We will give you at least 1 full months' notice of any incoming price increase and will make it very clear when the price increase will take effect and how much your package will cost after the increase. During this period you will have your usual right to terminate your package in accordance with the package terms and conditions and rules.

  • If you fail to pay any amount due under this agreement for a period of more than thirty days, then we may pass the debt to a third-party company for collection or take legal/police action against you. The reasonable and direct costs incurred in employing the third-party company will be borne by you including costs in tracing you if you have changed your address or contact without telling us.

  • GritnCode may choose to run “buddy referral” package promotions whereby gifts or complimentary package are provided in return for members referring friends and them joining. GritnCode management reserve the right to withhold any gift or complimentary GritnCode access if the referees break the terms and conditions mentioned here including defaulting on any package payment.

  • If a member has a previously existing package that is in default and subsequently rejoins on a new package, then we reserve the right to apply owed charges to their new package.


3.2 Promo Codes and Discounts 

  • We may offer promo codes, discounts, coupon codes, and/or other offers that provide a benefit to you when entered upon checkout. These cannot be applied to prior or completed transactions, they must be provided at the time of purchase. Generally, promo codes and discounts cannot be combined with other offers or used with subscription orders. 

  • Only consumers can use promo codes, they cannot be used by resellers, wholesalers, practitioners, or the like. 

  • Any such promo code, discount or other offer may be discontinued or voided at any time. You may have no right to discounts, coupons, or offers that are expired or discontinued even if they remain visible on the Sites.


3.3 Taxes

  • If we are legally required to collect sales tax on Products you order, the tax amount will be added automatically to your purchase price. On rare occasions an error in our tax database may cause the sales tax charge to be incorrect. If this happens, at any time up to two years from your date of purchase you may contact us for a refund of tax overcharges. 

  • This right to a refund is your exclusive remedy for sales tax errors.


3.4 Group Classes

  • All sessions must be booked through the Technogym app.

  • Payments are processed online via a provided link, either by subscription or one-time payment.

  • Clients can book single sessions or up to 8 sessions per week.

  • Clients with Memberships can book up to 10 days in advance.

  • Any other Client can book up to 5 days in advance.

  • Clients booked into the waiting list are not confirmed in, until last minute, GritnCode reserves the right to let a waiting list client to enter a class if they deem that a booked client is a no-show.


3.5 Personal Training

  • All sessions must be booked through the Technogym app.

  • No sessions can be booked if payments are not yet done.

  • Clients can book up to 10 days in advance.

  • Clients must book at least 8 hours in advance.

  • Payments are processed online via a provided link, either by subscription or one-time payment.

  • Clients can book single sessions or more sessions in advance per month.

3.6 At-Home Personal Training

  • All sessions must be booked through the Technogym app.

  • No sessions can be booked if payments are not yet done.

  • Clients with can book up to 10 days in advance

  • Client must book at least 8 hours in advance.

  • Payments are processed online via a provided link, either by subscription or one-time payment.

  • Clients can book single sessions or more sessions in advance per month


4. Cancellations, Penalties and Refund Policy


4.1 Group Classes

  • Group Classes sessions must be canceled at least 4 hours prior to the class.

  • Clients who do not attend booked classes and have not canceled their booking will be considered no-shows and automatically given a strike.

  • Three strikes within 30 days will result in clients not making bookings until their strikes automatically expire after 15 days.


4.2 Personal Training

  • Recurring PT sessions must be canceled within 8 hours.

  • Sessions can be rescheduled once if canceled within the cancellation window. If rescheduled again, the session will be counted, and a new session must be booked.

  • Under company discretion, sessions can be considered early canceled due to sickness and may be exceptionally canceled if within the cancellation window. This policy must not be abused.

  • No refunds are available. If the client is dissatisfied with the coach, another coach can be provided


4.3 At-Home Service

  • Sessions must be canceled within 8 hours.

  • Sessions can be rescheduled once if canceled within the cancellation window. If rescheduled again, the session will be counted, and a new session must be booked.

  • Under company discretion, sessions can be considered early canceled due to sickness and may be exceptionally canceled if within the cancellation window. This policy must not be abused.

  • No refunds are available. If the client is dissatisfied with the coach, another coach can be provided.


5. Health and Safety

  • Clients must complete the Par-Q and Screening Questionnaire before the first session.

  • Clients must inform the coach of any issues prior to the session.

  • Clients must obtain a physician’s approval before engaging in any physical activity.

  • Clients under the age of 18 must present a parental consent when registering to our packages

  • Clients between 13-15 can only participate in personal training sessions


6. Trainer Responsibilities

  • Coaches will provide Group sessions and guidelines related to health and nutrition.

  • Only coaches with level 3 personal training certification under REPS are employed.

  • Weekly education hours and bimonthly knowledge tests are conducted for all coaches.


7. Client Responsibilities & Punctuality

  • Clients must be punctual, arrive 10-15 min prior to the class. We generally allow 3-5 min after the class has started (generally the warm-up time)

  • Arrival after warm up time is not allowed, due to health and injury risks, while maintaining fairness, respect to other class members & ensure that the classes run on time.

  • People on the Waiting list are allowed in the class, if they are in the facility when the class has started and the person booked didn’t show up yet after 2min from class start.

  • If the member is consistently late to classes and it appears they are abusing the late policy, the member will not be allowed in and might wait until the next class.

  • No-shows or last-minute cancellations will be counted as a session.


8. Dress Code at the Company Facility

  • Clients are required to wear proper gym attire when exercising and to dress modestly when working out. Working out topless, or with torn clothes, jeans & denim shorts are strictly not permitted

  • Clients must wear Non-marking, rubber-soled sports shoes/footwear at all times in the group exercise studios. “Crocs”, “flip-flops”, “Slides” & “Sandals” are not considered suitable workout shoes, and can only be worn in the yoga studio.


9. Lockers

  • Clients are provided with temporary lockers, all their personal belongings shall be removed at the completion of their visit. The Company has the right to cut open any padlocks and remove personal belongings that are left in the lockers at the end of each day.

  • Unclaimed property over the value of AED 50 shall be kept by the Company for a period of 1 week after which the management reserves the right to dispose of the items in such way it in their entire discretion deems fit. Clothing and other similar items will be disposed of after a 1-week period, however, any items of value will be sold periodically and all proceeds donated to the nominated charity of the company, and no claims shall be entertained after this period from members or visitors. Any items below AED 50 in value will be immediately disposed of.


10. Confidentiality and Privacy

  •  Client information is confidential and used solely for training purposes.

  • Personal data is protected according to our Privacy Policy.

  • GritnCode is not responsible for the privacy policies of websites to which it links. If you provide any information to such third parties different rules regarding the collection and use of your personal information may apply. You should contact these entities directly if you have any questions about their use of the information that they collect.

  • GritnCode takes appropriate steps to ensure data privacy and security including through various hardware and software methodologies. However, GritnCode cannot guarantee the security of any information that is disclosed online. To learn more about how we treat your personal data please visit and review our Privacy Policy.

  • The Website Policies and Terms & Conditions may be changed or updated occasionally to meet the requirements and standards. Therefore, the Customers’ are encouraged to frequently visit these sections to be updated about the changes on the website. Modifications will be effective on the day they are posted.


11. Behavior

  • Clients and guests must treat GritnCode facilities and one another with respect; failure to comply shall constitute a serious breach of the terms of package, and could result in the loss of package.

  • Threatening, intimidating, or abusive behavior will not be tolerated towards any member of staff or the company. Should such incidents take place a member's Package will be immediately suspended and all future payments will be collected immediately.

  •  We reserve the right to prevent access to, or use of, the facilities by anyone deemed to be acting inappropriately or behaving in an unacceptable manner, as determined by GritnCode Management.

  • As a courtesy to other members, Gym equipment should be wiped down by members after use, and all equipment returned to its correct position.

  • Any anti-social or offensive behavior will result in the member or guest being immediately evicted from the Facility and their Package canceled.

  • GritnCode Social Media platforms are intended as a means of creating community, facilitating communications, and providing a forum for the expression of feedback. Inflammatory posts, including any content which is judged by our management at its absolute discretion to consider inappropriate, may be subject to remedial action, including removal of the offending posts, blocking access, and termination of their package as a consequence of serious misconduct.

  • Good personal hygiene is mandatory, and any client who causes offense will be asked to remedy the offending problem or leave the facility and package may be canceled at GritnCode management's sole discretion.

  • Sharing Package is strictly not permitted, any member caught sharing Packages or providing non-members with unauthorized access to GritnCode, will be subject to their package being canceled and the remainder of their contract period being billed.

  • Clients who are accessing GritnCode facility through a complimentary activity – won in a competition, through a GritnCode partnership or other promotion, are also subject to these terms and conditions. GritnCode management reserves the right to cancel a complimentary activity if the terms and conditions are not being adhered to. Clients will still be entitled to their complementary activity but this may have to be used during a non-peak time as per the guidance of GritnCode manager or deferred to a later date.


12. Gym facility

  • The management accepts no responsibility for theft or damage to a client’s personal belongings kept in the lockers or otherwise for any reason whatsoever.

  • Recording other clients without their permission is strictly prohibited within all areas of the Facility and changing rooms. All clients are requested to ensure that they do not offend any other person when utilizing such equipment within our facility.

  • The normal hours of operation are as indicated from time to time at the gym entrance and notice board. The management reserves the right to adjust the hours for the purpose of cleaning, decorating, repairs, and special private functions and holidays.


13. Liability and Indemnity

  • GritnCode is not liable for any injuries or accidents that occur during the sessions. Clients participate at their own risk and must sign a waiver of liability.

  • Clients are responsible for their own health and safety during sessions.


14. Termination and Amendments

  • Any session that has passed the expiry date is considered done and cannot be redeemed.

  • Exceptions may allow for extending the expiration date by a week or two in specific cases.

  • Changes to the terms and conditions will be communicated to clients by email.


15. General Terms

  • Upon successfully becoming a GritnCode client, you will be issued with log-in information to the GritnCode/Technogym App via email.

  • By visiting the site, you represent, warrant, and covenant that (a) you are at least 18 years old in the UAE (b) The customers using the website who are under the age of 18 in UAE shall not register as a client and shall not transact on or use the website.

  • GritnCode may terminate this agreement with immediate effect on notice to you if you are in breach of the gym rules or these terms and conditions. In this event, you will be liable to immediately pay all outstanding payments, including an AED 200 penalty administration fee.

  • Soliciting and selling private personal training sessions or merchandise of any type to any client is prohibited and may result in immediate termination of the package concerned.

  • The GritnCode management reserves the right to use any individual or group photographs or video of clients and or guests for press or promotional purposes (by GritnCode or our partners) in both online, TV, and print sources.

  • All clients must abide by the gym rules, which may be amended and/or added to from time to time at the management’s discretion.

  • Failure by the management to enforce any of their respective rights at any time for any period shall not be construed as a waiver of such rights.

  • Clients and/or guests are not allowed to photograph or copy any of our facilities’ interior designs, promotional materials, tag lines, themes, or concepts. We reserve the right to proceed with legal action against any client caught distributing, sharing, or supplying such contents to any third-party vendor or competitor.

  • The GritnCode website may automatically produce search results that reference and/or link to third-party sites throughout the World Wide Web. We have no control over these sites or the content within them. GritnCode does not guarantee, represent, or warrant that the content contained in the sites is accurate, legal, and/or inoffensive. GritnCode does not endorse the content of any third-party site, nor does it make any representation or warranty about these sites, including that they will not contain viruses or otherwise impact your computer. By using the site to search for or link to another site, you agree and understand that you may not make any claim against GritnCode for any damages or losses, whatsoever, resulting from your use of the site to obtain search results or to link to another site.

  • Complementary trials are limited to residents only and only available on the very first visit. National or similar resident ID must be shown prior to GritnCode complementary trial access. GritnCode has absolute discretion in limiting the times at which trial passes can be used or purchased.

  • Trials are limited in time, you have 7 days to your session after buying it.


Please read and understand these terms and conditions carefully before participating in any personal training session.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at

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